My Name is D, Part 4: Just Like a Spider

Just like a spider Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 From Part 2: You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Like A . . . I know I’ll have to go after Mr. D, just to make sure he don’t get himself into any more trouble. That boy and trouble is like bread and butter. AndContinue reading “My Name is D, Part 4: Just Like a Spider”

My Name is D, Part 3: Jackpot

My Name is D, Part 3: Jackpot Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 From Part 1: I opened my door. Regretfully, I was not paying attention to my nearest blind spot, so worried was I about watching the road behind me. A – she was dangerous and she was pissed. I smashed the unknownContinue reading “My Name is D, Part 3: Jackpot”

My Name is D, Part 2 – You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Like A

D: You know what I said, A, nothing can be as awesome as “My Name is D.” A: Yeah, I know what you said, Druid. I accepted your challenge. D: Indeed. A: You and smug need to break up, D. Prepare yourself. Because . . . You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Like A I was watchin’Continue reading “My Name is D, Part 2 – You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Like A”