Giving Thanks Every Day – Because it’s Pamela’s Birthday

Six Lit Birthday CandlesA: Wednesday is Druid’s day, but it’s also Pamela’s Birthday. D and I wanted to do this especially for you, Pamela! Take it away, D!

D: Can you find one thing to be grateful for, every single day? Would you make it a point to say that one thing (or two things, or ten, or twenty) and say it loud and clear for the world – at least the blogosphere – to see?

Pamela does.

A: Pamela is a bright spot in my day, and the day of many other bloggers. She reminds me to approach my world mindfully, looking for things to be happy about. I can think of no greater gift.

D: She supports authors like A, and all sorts of blogging characters. She cheers us with her stories—

A: That grandson with his smile.

D: Her daughter with her artistic flair.

A: She’s a poet in her own right,

D: And A, please stop, before we start to fight.

A: Over my really bad rhyme, am I right?

D: (Groan) Move on, woman.

A: (Tee hee) Well Pam, on this D and I can actually agree: You are spot on – you’re the ‘nth degree! Happy Birthday!

Published by Katie Sullivan

Descended of pirates and revolutionaries, Katie Sullivan is a lover and student of all things Irish. Born in the States, she is a dual US/Irish citizen, and studied history and politics at University College, Dublin – although, at the time, she seriously considered switching to law, if only so she could attend lectures at the castle on campus. She lives in Milwaukee with her daughter, two cats and a pesky character in her head named D (but you can call him Dubh). Her first series, The Changelings Saga, a young adult historical fantasy trilogy is available on Amazon. She can be found writing with said character at her blog, The D/A Dialogues.

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